Save Money on Electricity Bills in Phoenix

We all know Phoenix can get hot, and that means big ol’ electricity bills! Learn how to save money on your electricity bills with the Top 5 cost-efficient and simple hacks! To keep more hard-earned money in your pocket and save money on your electricity bills in Phoenix!

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Save Money on Electricity Bills in Phoenix Hack #1 – Smart Devices!

Note* None of these recommendations are sponsored. They are legit my most favorite and useful tools for mindlessly saving money on my electricity bills

We all know that the #1 way to keep your electricity bill is to turn off the lights and turn down the a/c when you’re not using them but my goodness, that is easier said than done sometimes. (especially if you have kids!) So, consider investing in smart devices. A smart thermostat & cost-efficient Smart Lightbulbs!

The smart thermostat we use in our home and in our Airbnb is the Nest Thermostat. We love the nest because it makes things simple, convenient, and once our schedule is set up in the nest app, I don’t have to think about it again!

Save Money on Electricity Bills in Phoenix Hack #2 – Switch to a Time Advantage Plan – Learn use the Super Cooling Hack! 

If your home does not have solar, get off a standard APS rate plan and switch to a Time Advantage plan. Time advantage plans are tricky, but they will save you a ton of money on your electricity bills if you do it right. >Learn More with Time Advantage Plans Here<

With a Time Advantage plan, if you really want to save money, you will be confined to when you can use your electricity and want to learn to Super Cool!

Super Cooling is the energy-saving hack here.

Save Money on Electricity Bills in Phoenix Hack #3 – Solar 

Solar is such a fantastic option for most homeowners in the Phoenix West Valley (aka if they currently have APS as their electricity provider). Solar saves most homeowners 10-20% on their electricity bills, and above all else, You Have the Freedom to use your electricity when you want. Our home and every one of our investment properties have solar. It’s been a game-changer for our Arizona lifestyle.

If you live in Phoenix West Valley and want to see the options available to you contact Jordan 📲 801-319-9664

Save Money on Electricity Bills in Phoenix Hack #4 – Insulation 

From all my research, too much of a good thang is no longer a good thang! I have seen many companies promote price hefty packages to put insulation in a home, plus an attic fan, plus ventilation systems plus spray-on radiant barrier, and paint your roof shingles white! Yes, these things may reduce your energy usage cost, but the reduction of energy 9.5/10 does not outweigh what it cost to get all of that work done. From my research and experience, the two main things that help save on energy costs are Insulation and properly engineered ventilation system! The thing is though if you have a newer home, chances are you don’t need either of those things.

#1 Rule of Thumb 👍 If you look in your attic and don’t see wood, your insulation is good. On the other hand, if you check your attic and see lots of wood, you need more insulation!

Save Money on Electricity Bills in Phoenix Hack #5 – Window Shades / Window Tint (especially on south facing windows!)

If you have an area in your home that gets an uncomfortable amount of sun like a south-facing room consider putting up window tint and or blackout shades. I will link my favorites below. Blackout shades make a more drastic improvement than the tint, but the tint makes a significant difference too.

My favorite blackout shades came from Target and the tint form home depot. The tint is a little tricky to install and time-consuming but is such an inexpensive hack that makes a big difference on the energy needed to cool those areas of a home!

Window Tint –

Window Screens –

Black Out Shades -

Do you have any additional hacks for saving money on electricity costs in Phoenix?! Tell me below! 👇
